Sunday, July 7, 2013

California & North Carolina

Boa Noite!

So yet another wonderful church experience! It all started with me having a relaxing day at the park with Racquel and a few of her friends. We walked around by the beach and watched families have picnics at the park while eating ice cream. It was a good start to the day. Then four thirty rolled around and it was time for church. We made it there by taking the bus in the rain. When I showed up I jumped in and started singing when, what do you know, a young man wanders up to me and says "Hey! How are you?" You may not see the surprise, since it was more of a you-had-to-be-there-and-hear-that-he-had-no-Portuguese-accent-thing. Then he pointed to himself and said "California, You?" I responded with North Carolina and we got to talking. His name was Lee and he was in Recife to help his wife move to the States with him. They had gotten married almost a year ago and had spent most of it apart while Roberta (his wife) waited for her visa to get approved. Lee did study abroad program in college and that is how he met his wife, so they both spoke English and Portuguese pretty fluently. They both are trying to reorganize their lives to be missionaries as well. What a match! I wanted to know what tipped him off that I was American and he said, "There are only two of us. People talk." I guess so, because now I have and American missionary friends in Brazil! After the service they took me out for Acai which is a popular health food around here. The only way I can describe it is if you accidently froze some blue berry pie filling, but less sweet. It was actually pretty good. We talked a lot about Brazil and America and it was just such a blessing to have met these lovely people here, in a Brazilian Church. They are leaving two days before me so we should be able to spend some time together. God works in mysterious ways. I hope he is doing equally mysterious yet lovely things in all of your lives! I should be able to post some pictures tomorrow so stay tuned! I love you all!


  1. Awesome, I call it God connections!!!
    Can't wait for the pics!!!
    Tim and Mara

  2. Wow what a great God Wink!!!It's amazing how God places people in your path just when you need them! Hope you are taking lots of pics! Love and hugs to you!!

  3. Hey! You are having a lot of GOD moments, aren't you? This Journey you will never forget. It will mold your life even more & draw you closer to our Lord & Savior. We are very proud of you! Love you!

  4. Sarah,
    Morgan has been sharing some of your trip with me. I am so proud of you for following God's plan in your life. I am happy that you were able to speak with Lee and his wife. (I bet you were surprised to hear some English) I know how it is to feel like you want to say so much and yet language gets in the way. But you are right in that we all worship the same God. Love you!!!

    Mrs. Cindy
